SCI Start the Week - 16 May

SCI Start the Week - 16 May

Monday 16 May 2022 11:00 London/ 06.00 New York/ 19.00 Tokyo

A review of SCI's latest content

Last week's news and analysis
Better bid
REO online auctions gaining traction
PIMCO push
Kruzel hire suggests new SRT focus
Reinsurance resurge
The CRT reinsurance market takes larger share of risk
Risk transfer expansion
MUFG finalises synthetic securitisation
Servicer strategies
BNPL affordability dynamic eyed
Stagflation risks disclosed
Airlines at risk from inflation

For all of last week’s stories including ‘Market moves’ and ‘Risk transfer round-up’ click here.

SCI CLO Markets
CLO Markets provides deal-focused information on the global primary and secondary CLO markets. It offers intra-day updates and searchable deal databases alongside BWIC pricing and commentary. Please email David McGuinness at SCI for more information or to set up a free trial here.

Recent Premium research to download
Aircraft ABS turbulence - April 2022
The fallout from the Ukraine crisis is likely to affect the entire aircraft ABS market, rather than simply those deals with exposure to Russian assets. This Premium Content article outlines why the sector is bracing for a bumpy ride.
Marking 25 Years of cat bonds - April 2022
With the climate threat menacing ever more, is the catastrophe bond market set to see exponential growth? This Premium Content article investigates.
MDB CRT challenges - March 2022
A number of challenges continue to constrain multilateral development bank capital relief trade issuance. This Premium Content article investigates whether these obstacles can be overcome.
The rise of the ESG advisor - March 2022
ESG advisors are gaining traction in the securitisation market, as sustainability becomes an ever-more import consideration for investors and issuers. This Premium Content article investigates what the role entails.

SCI Events calendar: 2022
SCI’s 4th Annual NPL Securitisation Seminar
27 June 2022, Milan
SCI’s 8th Annual Capital Relief Trades Seminar
20 October 2022, London
SCI’s 3rd Annual Middle Market CLO Seminar
November 2022, New York
