Weekly Issue Archive

SRT Market Update

  • Resonance marketed

    SRT market update

    Further details have emerged on Citi Bank’s corporate SRT deal (SCI, 10 May). Sources suggest the spread landed somewhere in the sixes, with the tranche thickness at 0-13%. One tells SCI: “Citi was initially looking to do $500m...

  • No endgame in sight

    SRT market update

    Optimism around the wave of US CRT deals expected during Q3 is fading with the outcome of the Basel 3 Endgame still unresolved. Commenting on the matter, one source explains: “At the start of this year people were saying 2024 was it &...

Market Moves

Structured Finance

  • Job swaps weekly: Reed Smith snaffles top hire

    People moves and key promotions in securitisation

    This week’s roundup of securitisation job swaps sees experienced structured finance lawyer Jeffrey Stern join Reed Smith as a partner in the Financial Industry Group based in New York. The practice includes CLOs, litigation pre-set...
