Issue 85 - April 23rd
CDR Liquid Index data as at 21 April 2008
Source: Credit Derivatives Research
Index Values Value Week Ago ...
Secondary supply issues
Demand is increasing but not yet met by supply
Traders report an increased appetite for European CLOs in the secondary market, but the sector rema...
EOD litigation rises
Advisor and investor responsibility questioned
Around 150 CDOs are now believed to have breached their event of default (EOD) triggers. As liquida...
Looking up?
Systemic risk diminishes, but spill-over effect is possible
Dealers report that the European index markets have begun to show signs of settling down over the p...
Clearing house mooted
Facility to ease CDS counterparty risk concerns
Dealers have begun discussing plans to create a credit derivatives clearing house. The move will he...
Job Swaps
Tolk joins 3 Degrees
The latest company and people moves
Tolk joins 3 Degrees Jeffrey Tolk has joined 3 Degrees Asset Management as a principal. He will fo...
News Round-up
Market value criteria report issued
A round up of this week's structured credit news
Market value criteria report issuedFitch has issued an updated criteria report that discusses its a...
Research Notes
Reaping the benefit?
European central bank policies, changes to Basel 2 and their impact on ABS CDS spreads are discussed...
ABS CDS spreads began to stabilise at the end of last week, with the exception of the UK non-confor...
Trading ideas: fuzzy reception
Byron Douglass, senior research analyst at Credit Derivatives Research, looks at a pairs trade on Co...
With the market rallying on the back of some seriously disappointing numbers hitting the newswires...
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