Weekly Issue Archive »

Issue 132 - April 15th

  • News Analysis

    • Documentation
      • Restructuring reassessed

        Remains a critical issue in European CDS standardisation efforts

        ISDA's big bang was successfully implemented last week, with 2023 parties adhering to the protocol g...

    • RMBS
      • Signs of life

        Several domestic Russian RMBS in the pipeline

        A number of Russian mortgage originators are preparing RMBS that they hope will be eligible for the...

    • Operations
      • TALF round two scrutinised

        Lower loan requests a cause for concern?

        Loan requests for the second round of TALF financing were substantially lower than those made in the...

    • ABS
      • Gathering pace

        European ABS buyback activity set to increase

        ABS buybacks are gathering pace in Europe, as issuers look to take advantage of the deep discounts c...

  • News

  • Talking Point

    • Operations
      • The intelligent corporate services provider

        Katherine Saville-Barwood, senior transaction manager at TMF Structured Finance Services, explores t...

        Traditionally, special purpose vehicles (SPVs) established for structured finance transactions and t...

  • Provider Profile

    • CDS
      • Embracing change

        Jamie Cawley, ceo of IDX Capital, answers SCI's questions

        Jamie Cawley Q: How and when did IDX Capital become involved in the struc...

  • Job Swaps

  • News Round-up

      • Big bang sees over 2000 sign up

        A round-up of this week's structured credit news

        ISDA reports that the 2009 ISDA Credit Derivatives Determinations Committees and Auction Settlement...

  • Research Notes

    • Trading
      • Trading ideas: the good and the bad

        Byron Douglass, senior research analyst at Credit Derivatives Research, looks at a capital structure...

        Taking long positions in the high yield market on an outright basis is highly idiosyncratic to the c...

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