Weekly Issue Archive »

Issue 236 - 1st June

  • News Analysis

    • Investors
      • Credit hedge finds

        Funds take advantage of evolving opportunities

        New credit hedge funds continue to enter the market. At the same time, the opportunity set in the structured credit space is evolving. One credit hedge fund manager suggests that a key factor in the influx of new funds is the "draconian conditions"...

  • Market Reports

    • ABS
      • Euro ABS firms up

        The European ABS market has picked up after a slow start to the week. Investor attention is focused on two new issues that are currently marketing. "Spreads were softer at the start of the week, in sympathy with what's going on with the peripherals...

    • CMBS
      • CMBS new issue pair prints

        New issuance has been the main focus this week in US CMBS. Additionally, spreads now appear to be stabilising after the widening trend of the last few weeks. "The market seems to be stabilising a little now; it's been widening out consistently over...

  • Talking Point

    • Ratings
      • Three misconceptions about issuer-paid ratings

        CapitalFusion Partners mds Malay Bansal and John Joshi argue that the role of rating agencies should...

        The issuer-paid model for ratings is widely seen as one of the most significant aspects of the process that needs to be reformed. Issuers select which NRSROs will rate their deal and they pay the rating agencies rating their deals. Many blame this dy...

  • The Structured Credit Interview

    • ABS
      • Credit opportunities

        Greg Branch, cio at SCIO Capital, answers SCI's questions

        Q: How and when did SCIO Capital become involved in the structured finance market? A: SCIO Capital was incorporated in London in October 2009. The name was chosen as both an acronym for Structured Credit Investment Opportunity and its meaning in Lat...

  • Job Swaps

      • CMBS originator added

        Andrew Seng has been appointed md in the Atlanta office of Holliday Fenoglio Fowler (HFF), where he...

  • News Round-up

      • Further woes for Greek SF

        Fitch has downgraded 38 tranches (35 RMBS and three ABS) of 16 Greek SF transactions (comprising 13...

      • US ABS remains stable

        Although housing-related sectors suffered during the recent economic downturn, ratings on US ABS hav...

      • CVA survey undertaken

        Quantifi has released the preliminary findings of its counterparty credit risk survey. The firm rece...

      • Euro CMBS repayments rise

        Fitch reports that amortisation and cash sweeps on outstanding loans have caused its European CMBS M...

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