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Issue 244 - 27th July

  • News Analysis

    • ABS
      • Lengthy lull

        Recruitment slowdown to stretch beyond summer

        The year started well for the structured finance job market, but activity dropped away a few months ago and hasn't picked up since. Opinion among recruiters is split as to whether hiring will resume later this year or remain on hold until 2012, but t...

  • Market Reports

    • CMBS
      • New CMBS deals price wide

        Last week was an eventful one for US CMBS: although secondary trading was subdued, two new deals priced. Both transactions printed wider than had been expected, showing that the market has moved a long way from earlier in the year when triple-A sprea...

    • RMBS
      • Lights in the dark for Euro RMBS

        Nervousness in the European RMBS market has caused spread widening, as participants wait to see how issues in the Eurozone work out and whether they may lead to new problems for the banking sector. However, despite those concerns, UK and Dutch RMBS c...

  • Job Swaps

      • Asset-based lender expands

        Capital Business Credit has recruited Peter Provenzale as senior business development officer and sv...

      • ABS CDO reassigned

        Fixed Income Discount Advisory Company (FIDAC) is set to assign its collateral management responsibi...

    • CDS
      • Market data pro hired

        BGC Partners has recruited Mark Benfield as executive md and director of BGC Market Data. Benfield,...

    • CLOs
      • GSC transfer confirmed

        An investor notice for the GSC European CDO I-R, II and V transactions confirms that the sale of GSC...

      • Key-man vote adjourned

        The meeting of Faxtor ABS 2005-1 class C noteholders on 22 July to vote on key-man provisions (SCI 5...

    • CMBS
      • Loan servicer coo replaced

        LNR Partners Europe has appointed Matthias Schlueter as its new coo and md. Schlueter, who has 10 ye...

      • TARP cio joins REIT

        David Miller has joined Pine River Capital Management as an md, responsible for business development...

      • MBS consultancy absorbed

        Berliner Consulting & Research has been absorbed into Manhattan Advisory Services, a subsidi...

  • News Round-up

      • Second CDO tender for Citi

        Citi has announced its second CDO tender offer this month, following the launch of one for Bryant Pa...

    • CDS
      • Fitch sanguine on CMBS 2.0

        A new report from Fitch suggests that the agency is currently comfortable with new CMBS deal structu...

  • Research Notes

    • CDS
      • Challenges in implementing a counterparty risk management process

        David Kelly, director of credit products at Quantifi, explores the key challenges for banks in the i...

        Most banks are in the process of setting up counterparty risk management processes or improving existing ones. Unlike market risk, which can be effectively managed by individual trading desks or traders, counterparty risk is increasingly being priced...

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